Current Issue : October - December Volume : 2018 Issue Number : 4 Articles : 5 Articles
This paper proposed an identity-based steganographic scheme, where a receiver\nwith certain authority can recover the secret message ready for him, but\ncannot detect the existence of other secret messages. The proposed scheme\ncreated several separate covert communication channels tagged by the Fuzzy\nIdentity-Based Encryption (FIBE) in one grayscale image. Then each channel\nis used to embed one secret message by using any content-aware steganographic\nscheme. Receivers with different attributes can extract different messages\ncorresponded. The Experiments illustrated the feasibility of this identity-\nbased secret message extraction. Further, the proposed scheme presents\nhigh undetectability against steganalytic attack launched by receivers without\ncorresponded attributes....
Transaction traces analysis is a key utility for marketing, trend monitoring, and fraud detection purposes. However,\nthey can also be used for designing and verification of contextual risk management systems for card-present\ntransactions. In this paper, we presented a novel approach to collect detailed transaction traces directly from payment\nterminal. Thanks to that, it is possible to analyze each transaction step precisely, including its frequency and timing.\nWe also demonstrated our approach to analyze such data based on real-life experiment. Finally, we concluded this\npaper with important findings for designers of such a system....
The use of Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) associated with the reality of an\nInternet of Things (IoT) scenario in nuclear environments is a growing security\nconcern. In this context, standards are intensified to preserve the physical\nintegrity of these facilities considered to be highly critical due to the size of the\nimpacts of safety accidents. This paper presents a proposal to build a methodology\nto evaluate the security levels of WSNs with IoT devices when used in\nnuclear areas. The proposal is initially based on related work to establish a\nmore concrete initial framework and is structured in consistent steps from\nprevious scientific studies....
Password security is a crucial component of modern internet security. In this\npaper, we present a provably secure method for password verification using\ncombinatorial group theory. This method relies on the group randomizer system,\na subset of the MAGNUS computer algebra system and corrects most of\nthe present problems with challenge response systems, the most common\ntypes of password verification. Theoretical security of the considered method\ndepends on several results in asymptotic group theory. We mention further\nthat this method has applications for many other password situations including\ncontainer security....
Nowadays, three-dimensional (3D) printing technology is applied to many areas of life\nand changes the world based on the creation of complex structures and shapes that were not feasible\nin the past. But, the data of 3D printing is often attacked in the storage and transmission processes.\nTherefore, 3D printing must be ensured security in the manufacturing process, especially the data of\n3D printing to prevent attacks from hackers. This paper presents a security solution for 3D printing\nbased on two-dimensional (2D) slices encryption. The 2D slices of 3D printing data is encrypted in\nthe frequency domain or in the spatial domain by the secret key to generate the encrypted data of 3D\nprinting. We implemented the proposed solution in both the frequency domain based on the Discrete\nCosine Transform and the spatial domain based on geometric transform. The entire 2D slices of 3D\nprinting data is altered and secured after the encryption process. The proposed solution is responsive\nto the security requirements for the secured storage and transmission. Experimental results also\nverified that the proposed solution is effective to 3D printing data and is independent on the format\nof 3D printing models. When compared to the conventional works, the security and performance of\nthe proposed solution is also better....